



Discontinuation of free accounts

Effective 15 July 2020, we are discontinuing support for all free accounts.
To continue using Jumper, you need to subscribe to a plan.

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Amazon account



Amazon integration

  1. Login to Amazon Seller Central on the portal

  2. Click on Settings on the top right, and click on "User Permissions"

  3. Click on Visit Manage your Apps under Third party developer and apps

  4. Under Manage your apps, click on Authorize new developer

  5. In Developer name, you can add name such as “jumper” - this is for your reference only, it doesn't need to be exact In the Developer ID box:

  6. You will receive an MWS Auth Token - please provide that to us

  7. Enter your Amazon store details in below form:

  8. Congratulations! You have successfully connected your Amazon account

    Now you can import your Amazon products and increase your sales. Please click the button below to import products.


Amazon integration is only available for commerce module.

Amazon integration is not available in your country.