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Ice Breakers

  1. [[thisQ.question]]

Add a new question

You don't have any Ice Breakers yet! You may want to add it

Send a message

You can send any personalized message to a customer

Start a product flow

Allow user to purchase a single product via the bot

Start a collection flow

Allow users to purchase products from the selected collection

Start an event booking

Allow users to purchase event tickets via the bot

Start F&B menu flow

Allow users to browse through the menu and order via the bot

Start a bot flow

Link user to another active bot

Ping live chat

Move conversation to live chat mode and let an available agent take it up

Ping live chat (assign to agent)

Assign conversation to a specific agent or agent group

Ping live chat

Selected bot: [[currentlyInSettingsPanelButton___payloadExtraData.displayname]]

Group name: [[currentlyInSettingsPanelButton___payloadExtraData.name]]



  1. [[thisQ.question]]